South Brooklyn
Community High School
173 Conover Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Phone: 718-237-8902 Fax: 718-422-1927

Our Mission
"No sabian que somos semillas, intentaron enterrarnos."
"They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds"
~Mexican Proverb
Our mission is to assist students who have been unsuccessful in the traditional schools settings, those who are over-aged and under credited, and/or students and families who have become disenchanted with their previous schools.
SBCHS is committed to providing students with access to a quality education that will prepare students for post-secondary success. SBCHS maintains high expectations and holds staff and students accountable for student success.
Students and staff work together to build a strong sense of community that is responsive to student needs and interests. We recognize our students have many positive qualities, and a variety of experiences which make them resilient. We work with students on building the social and emotional skills necessary for maintaining healthy relationships.
We engage students in rigorous instruction, to graduate young men and women who are skillful problem solvers, creative thinkers and life-long learners. We engage in intentional planning for success through college and career exploration activities and experiences to prepare students for their next steps beyond our school community.
We provide learning opportunities for students to become responsible contributors to their local and global community.